The scam of “kindness”

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“Kindness” has to be one of the biggest psyops out there.

Whenever someone says “be kind” or “be kinder” you’re being manipulated.

The phrase is a weapon concealed in a bunch of roses – any talk of abstract kindness means you have to move over, suffer, give something up, or be defeated.

Thing is, humans are naturally kind. We have that divine spark in us.

All kids are very kind and open to new things and people. To the point of naïveté.

We are kind to our kin, to our friends, to beautiful, smiling, open people.

We are naturally kind to things that are safe and intuitively good for us. And we are naturally cautious and distant from things that seem not friendly or safe.

If that sounds cruel to you you are still having a hard time understanding the laws of Nature – and thus being Pagan.

The whole peddling of “kindness” is a scam, because it wants to lower your threshold of caution, and mute your intuition.

It’s always being kind to someome or something that will make things worse for you.

  • Kind to uncultured invaders who rape and steal.
  • Kind to the lazy citizens that live on welfare.
  • Kind to stray animals that won’t think twice about biting you or shitting on your lawn.
  • Kind to the sick, perverted, twisted, evil, manipulative.

Don’t bother even for a minute to teach your kids to “be kind”.

Your kids are kind enough.

Wasting time on abstract kindness (that people bring up only when they need something) has nothing to do with your role as a father.

Instead, teach your kids to be resilient, competent, willful, intentional, just, resourceful.

That’s about it.

2 responses to “The scam of “kindness””

  1. […] definitely have to twist Ace into some kind of therapy-paralyzed “be kind” jester to fit the modern […]

  2. […] for a better future. Teach them skills, make them perform well at school, make them “kind“, make them conform to societal […]

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